Here are this weeks picks! Really beautiful photos! Thank you for sending them in!

Congratulations to Laura Seils for your winning photo feature on our Friday cemetery photo contest! This is the Martyrs Monument and other graves at the old town cemeteries at Stirling, in Scotland. Follow Laura on Instagram: @lifedeathmusiclow
Also! Laura is sharing a few of her amazing photos for the blog post for next Mondays episode on Stirling Cemetery! Thank you Laura!

Congratulations Leann Cotton for your winning photo feature! Three mausoleums in the hillside at Woodland Historic Cemetery, London, Ontario. So Stunning! Follow Leann @leanncottonphotography on Instagram

This is a great example of the winged heads and effigies. Congratulations Nick Elen for your winning photo in our weekly contest!
follow nick at Instagram__nickylove (thats 2 underscores) and Twitter @NickyCOUSINS13

And I couldn't help this honorable mention....also by Nick.....Looks like 1620 was as bad a year as 2020!!! Thanks for the laugh Nick!
These photos looks so cool as well as so sharp that i think they done with professional steady hands. Impressive work in photography as well as in blogs!
Congratulations Laura, spectacular photo.